Three Fundamental States of Matter Solid,Liquid,and Gases

Kamron Boyd
6 min readFeb 27, 2021


The Three States of Matter

The three states of matter are solid,liquid and gases.Solid is a state of matter that has a definite volume and a definite shape.Liquid is also a stater of matter but it has no definite shape but it has a definite volume.Then Gas is a state of matter that it different from both Solid and Liquid because gas has no definite shape or volume.


In a solid, particles are packed tightly together so they don’t move much. The electrons of each atom are constantly in motion, so the atoms have a small vibration, but they are fixed in their position. Because of this, particles in a solid have very low kinetic energy. Also solids have a definite shape, as well as mass and volume, and do not conform to the shape of the container in which they are placed. Solids also have a high density, meaning that the particles are tightly packed together.

Example of Solid

SoLid are a form of matter that has a definite shape and volume

  1. Gold
  2. Wood
  3. Sand
  4. Steel
  5. Brick
  6. Rock
  7. Copper
  8. Brass
  9. Apple
  10. Aluminum foil
  11. Ice
  12. Butter


In a liquid, the particles are more loosely packed than in a solid and are able to flow around each other, giving the liquid an indefinite shape. Therefore, the liquid will conform to the shape of its container.

Much like solids, liquids (most of which have a lower density than solids) are incredibly difficult to compress.

Examples of Liquid

Liquids are a form of matter that has an definite volume but it does not have a defined shape. Liquids can also flow and assume the shape of their container.

  1. Water
  2. Milk
  3. Blood
  4. Urine
  5. Gasoline
  6. Mercury (an element)
  7. Bromine (an element)
  8. Wine
  9. Rubbing alcohol
  10. Honey
  11. Coffee


In a gas, the particles have a greater deal of space between them and having a higher kinetic energy. A gas also has no definite shape or volume. If unconfined, the particles of a gas will spread out indefinitely; if confined, the gas will expand to fill its container. When a gas is put under pressure by reducing the volume of the container, the space between particles is reduced and the gas is compressed.

Examples of Gases

A gas is a form of matter that does not have a defined shape or volume. Gases expand to fill the space they are given due to a rise in temperature .

  1. Air
  2. Helium
  3. Nitrogen
  4. Freon
  5. Carbon dioxide
  6. Water vapor
  7. Hydrogen
  8. Natural gas
  9. Propane
  10. Oxygen
  11. Ozone
  12. Hydrogen sulfide

Phase Changes

Phase changes is a change from one state (solid or liquid or gas) to another without a change in chemical composition. Then it can change or transition Depending on the temperature and pressure, the matter may transition from one state into anothe.It also include vaporization, condensation, melting, freezing, sublimation, and deposition.

Phase changes example

  • Solids may melt into liquids
  • Solids may sublimate into gases (sublimation)
  • Liquids may vaporize into gases
  • Liquids may freeze into solids
  • Gases may condense into liquids
  • Gases may deposit into solids (deposition)

Increasing the pressure and decreasing temperature forces atoms and molecules closer to one another so then as a result the arrangement becomes more ordered. Like for example Gases becoming liquids; liquids becoming solids. Then on the other hand, the increasing in temperature and the decreasing of pressure allows particles to move separate or father apart. Solids then become liquids; then it transition to liquids become gases. Ir depends on the conditions, a substance may skip a phase, so a solid may become a gas or a gas may become a solid without experiencing the liquid phase.

7 types of phase changes

The 7 types of phase changes are Melting,Boiling,Condensation,Sublimation,Evaporation,Vaporization,and Freezing

Melting phase

Melting is the phase change from a solid to a liquid, whereas solidification is the phase change from a liquid to a solid. 3. The molecules have enough energy to move about each other but not enough to completely separate from each other.

Examples of Melting point

Melting point can occur when an ice cube is turning into water which ends up being a liquid.Then another example can be if it’s set on the surface, or if you leave it on your hand.


Condensation occurs when the particles in a gas gets cool enough (lose energy) to change to the liquid state.

Example of Condensation

An example of a condensation is when a glass of ice water forms water droplets on the outside. The molecules of water vapor next to the glass cool and condense into liquid water.


Evaporation is a type of vaporization that occurs when particles of a liquid reach a high enough energy to leave the surface of the liquid and change into the gas state

Example of Evaporation

An example of evaporation is when a puddle of water is drying out. It dries out because the molecules of water evaporate into the atmosphere.


Freezing occurs when a liquid is cooled until its particles reach a low enough energy to reach its freezing point, and then it changes or transition into the solid state.

Example of Freezing

An example of freezing is when water turns or transition into ice


Boiling is a type of rapid vaporization that occurs when the particles of a liquid are heated to its boiling point. Large bubbles of gas form throughout the the liquid and move to the surface, leaving the liquid. Steam is the gaseous water molecules that form above boiling water.

Example of Boiling

A example of boiling is seen when water is heated until it forms steam. The boiling point of fresh water at sea level is 212°F (100°C). The bubbles that form in the water contain the vapor phase of water, which is steam.


Sublimation occurs when a solid changes into the gas state without passing through the liquid state. Iodine is an example of a substance that sublimes, as well as solid carbon dioxide (dry ice), snow, and ice.

Example of Sublimation

An example of Sublimation is Dry ice” or solid carbon dioxide sublimes,Snow and ice can sublime in the winter months without melting,Moth balls sublime.


Deposition occurs when a gas changes into a solid without passing through the liquid state.

Example of Deposition

A examples of deposition include the formation of snow in clouds, formation of frost on windows and the ground, and discharging a CO2 fire extinguisher.


The three states of matter goes through a transition of solids,liquid and gas depending on the temperature and the pressure and it base off the matter in which it is made up of atoms . Whether a substance is in solid , liquid and gas state depends on the arrangement of the atom.The particles that make a gas are separate from each other and move freely . This makes gasses very easy to compress

